Rohit Singh
Class Year: 2002
Target Language: French
Study Abroad: Lyon, France
Wharton Concentration: Finance
What is your current professional role?
Managing Director, Head of Retail and DTC Investment Banking, Morgan Stanley
When you think back on your time at Penn and in the Huntsman Program, how did your experience as a student in the Program impact your career decisions and professional development?
The Huntsman Program opened my aperture on how to view the world, to interact with students of different backgrounds and cultures and to learn to appreciate the historical, political and language differences that must be considered in any multi-national setting.
In retrospect, what are the most significant features of your experience at Huntsman?
The Huntsman Program uniquely offers the best of all words: 1) an intimate joint degree program limited to ~40 students annually; 2) the very best liberal arts education combined with a best-in-class undergraduate education; and 3) all the resources of a leading, world class research university. Plus language fluency!
Do you have any reflections on how your semester abroad influenced your academic, career, or personal development?
My time in Lyon allowed me to appreciate uniquely the joys (and challenges!) of ‘living outside myself’ and trying new routines and behaviors, eating new foods and making new friends. It was a tremendous experience, especially for an American who grew up in the Midwest.