Fernando Szew

By Angela Shen Tell me a bit about yourself. I’m Becca, I’m originally from Arlington, Virginia. I’m a senior in Huntsman targeting Spanish. I’m also minoring in Spanish and Urban Studies and concentrating in Management and Social Impact. Why minor in Spanish and Urban Studies? It was an interesting road…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Who is Victoria? I am a senior at the Huntsman Program targeting German, originally from Vienna, Austria. My Wharton concentrations are Management and Business Economics & Public Policy, and I am also a Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Wharton Scholar. At Penn, I conducted research, worked as a…Read More
By Victoria Mayer In this piece, Victoria Mayer C´21, reflects on the culmination of her Penn education and her experience conducting research with fellow Huntsman students S. Davidson, M. Edgar, L. Matsumiya, and G. Seeley, as part of MGMT 409: Huntsman Capstone Study. The objective of this capstone study in…Read More
By Connie Lin Why did you choose Huntsman? I found out about Huntsman by scrolling through the Penn website a year before I applied and thought I loved it. I was a MUN kid in high school who loved international relations, so I knew that I wanted to do international…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Tell me about yourself. My name is Kelly, and I am a sophomore targeting French. I’m from Cupertino, California, and I’ve lived there my whole life. It’s in the heart of the Silicon Valley, and growing up, I definitely feel like I was pushed in the direction…Read More
By Mariana Velasco What is your target language and where are you from? I am a current freshman from New Jersey targeting Spanish. My family is from somewhere around Eastern Europe, so I have always wanted to go there – my dream trip is to hit Russia and Ukraine with…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Who is Angela? What are some words that describe you? I am a freshman from the Philly suburbs – which is also where I am staying during the semester – and I am targeting Mandarin. I’m very creative, and I have an artistic side – I especially…Read More
By Connie Lin Who is Allison? I’m a senior in Huntsman with my target language in Russian. I’m doing a concentration in strategic management in Wharton and an additional major in Russian and Eastern European studies in the College. I grew up in Los Angeles, but my family is from…Read More
Interviewed by Emily Despinoy I feel like life is a constant struggle to reach certain higher goals. The ones that I want to work toward are freedom, loyalty, and diligence. The Basics: Couloir is currently a Senior targeting and minoring in German, and concentrating in Statistics and Finance. In addition,…Read More
By Mariana Velasco I grew up fascinated by current events. Every morning I would read the Wall Street Journal; every night I would bond with my father by watching the news. I had been to Israel quite a few times, and I speak Hebrew fluently. What began as an interest…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Grace is a senior targeting Spanish originally from Minnesota. She is concentrating in Finance and Decision Processes at Wharton, as well as minoring in Hispanic Studies and Music in the College. Tell me more about your minor in Music, how did that happen? I am a classical…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Theo is a current sophomore from Austin, Texas targeting Spanish and involved in improvisational comedy on campus. Tell me about your background and what drew you to Huntsman. I am both Nigerian and British, and I am a first generation American, so I have tri citizenship. I…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Huntsman students Samidha Sane ́22, Nikhil Gupta ́22 and Ayina Anyachebelu ́22, along with Eugenia Lee (University of Chicago) and Logan Herman (Carnegie Mellon), participated in the MIT Covid-19 Hackathon to produce a project that would solve challenges related to the pandemic in Africa, and won as…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Cole is a rising senior targeting German born and raised in Colorado. What is something that not a lot of people at Penn know about you? A lot of people at Penn don´t know that I am a super outdoorsy guy, I was an Eagle Scout and…Read More
By Kelly Shen Q: Just for some background: what was your Huntsman class year, your hometown, and target language? A: My name is Raina Nortick. I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, and I graduated from Huntsman in 2003. My target language was French, and I studied abroad in Lyon. Q:…Read More
By Sanjay Kalaga Q: Just for some background: what was your Huntsman class year, your hometown, and target language? A: I was made in Hong Kong, born and raised in California. As part of the Huntsman Class of 2004, my target language was Mandarin, and I studied abroad at Tsinghua…Read More