Sean Rickter

Time to Act! By: Alejandra Soria Andrade Alejandra Soria Andrade is a current Huntsman Student in the Class of 2025 and a Penn World Scholar. She recently traveled to Paris to participate in the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society and represented her home country Ecuador. If you’ve ever…Read More
Mariana is a senior from Mexico targeting Russian and concentrating in Business Economics & Public Policy, and Finance. Tell us about your background. I was born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico, and I came to the US for my undergrad at Penn. All of my family is from Mexico, so…Read More
Tell me about yourself. I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada but lived in India for a few years as well. I’ve always been an avid language learner, speaking Gujarati & Hindi at home as well as French throughout highschool, but am targeting German within Huntsman. I am pursuing…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Angel is a junior targeting Chinese from Jakarta, Indonesia. Tell me more about your background. I grew up in Jakarta all of my life, and had been to the US a couple of times with my family. Found out about Huntsman through Kevin, he graduated from the…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Ariana is a freshman targeting French from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Ariana is a Penn World Scholar Class of 2025. Where did the interest in business come from? I think it comes from my family and my childhood. My father is very much into business, our family has…Read More
By Mariana Velasco Gabrielle is a sophomore from Johannesburg, South Africa, targeting French. You are an international student as well. What made you decide to study outside of South Africa? It is definitely a big decision to make. I think for me, it made sense to go outside to learn…Read More
Erica is a freshman from South Korea, but was originally born in California, and grew up in Japan, Hawaii and South Korea. Tell me more about your international background. What is the story behind it? I grew up in Japan because both of my parents worked there, but then after…Read More